
Lessors Risk Only Insurance - Strip Shopping Centers and Malls

Do you own a shopping center or mall, or are you the property or risk manager of one of these types of property?  If so, Allied has insurance markets for your property. 

For five decades, Allied's agents have helped shopping center and mall owners and property managers find the insurance coverage they need.  Allied has longstanding relationships with insurers and brokers who are experts in underwriting shopping center and mall risks.

If you have a shopping center or mall whose insurance is nearing renewal, and would like to have an experienced Allied agent help you determine whether you are getting the coverage your property needs at the most reasonable price, call Kevin at 214-269-1560 today. Or, e-mail him at:

Allied can also help you find the tough insurance you need for a vacant mall or shopping center; or, with a mall or shopping center whose vacancy has dropped below 75%. Call Kevin at 214-269-1560; or, e-mail,